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Lynchburg / Lynchburg Client
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterLynchburg Partygame Client. Written using C# and Unity.
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Lynchburg / Lynchburg Server
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Lynchburg Partygame Server. Written using Python and web2py.
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Sebastian Jeworutzki / shiny-electron
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated -
Christian Stump / MathSciNet
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis is a python interface to MathSciNet that allows to see user information including self-citations. Please log into gitlab and request access to the code if you are interested in using / contributing to this project.
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tp2-projects / pyDMAnalyzer
MIT LicenseThe aim of this project is to have a tool, which connects properties of dark matter on the highest scale to observables like cross sections.
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Repository für den Kurs "Grundlagen der explorativen Datenanalyse mit Pandas" im WS 2021/2022